Monday, 24 March 2014

Crack a Bottle (VisuallyExpressed)

 In other news, I've passed 7500 total blog views!
Woo hoo!
I can't hold my alcohol OR my excitement!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Bad Luck Helicopter

So Verushka came up with this Bad Luck Helicopter meme this weekend and I decided to post it up here for her.


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Another new comic site! (And more)


I thought I should introduce the readers to the fantastic Mr. Lovenstein.
The comics are fun, cool, random and also somewhat educational.
No, really. I actually learned a few new terms and words.
Also, after comic #100, the average comic becomes somewhat interactive :)
I like.

(Originally meant to be posted on 29/01/2014)

I actually thought I posted this ages ago, but I clearly didn't.

In fact, I came across two more very addictive comic sites since then:

Extra Fabulous Comics



But don't blame me if you actually don't enjoy because you don't have a dark sense of humour.
Some of the comics are as pleasant as putting a toothpick under your big toe's toenail and kicking the wall as hard as you can.
(I'll wait a second while you picture that, flinch, shudder and, for some reason, continue to read my post.)


Okay I actually waited for nothing because I don't have much else to say.
Happy internetting everyone!

Monday, 17 February 2014


Blogger accidentally my post.

That is all.

(Yes it was written purposely.)

Blog: I had to do it. I am your only friend. :) You don't need them.

Monday, 27 January 2014

To the Moon

 Hi, guys.

So after playing Braid at the beginning of the year, I clearly didn't have enough feels because I decided to play this next Indie game as well.

 So this next game is called To The Moon.

I thought it was a wholly original concept and even though it was made with the simple and retro graphics of RPG Maker XP, I believe it still conveyed everything it meant to. I loved it and I'd play it again. It's a game that doesn't require too much skill, because most of the game is about you becoming immersed in the story and the actual gameplay is quite straightforward and simple most of the time with moving around and interacting using the keyboard and/or mouse. My only single complaint is that once or twice, the mouse clicking didn't do what I wanted.

So, storyline?

The game is set in the apparent near future.
There's an old man named John. He's dying.
He can't remember why, but he really wishes that he could go to the moon.
We play as a couple of scientists.
But what is the point of the scientists being there if we know this old guy is already doomed?
Well, this team has discovered a new type of technology. They infiltrate the memories of the dying and they edit things in order to make the person as happy about their life as possible.

Yep, my feels also started there and that's only the intro of the game.

I thought this game took me on a really interesting and unique journey.
It almost felt more like a movie than a game.

Also, I've messed around with RPG Maker myself quite a few times but this game used such cool little effects and it flowed so well, that I was actually wondering if it really was the same program I used.

Another one that I recommend. Find it and play it.

(Late Indie game post 2 of 2)