Monday, 5 March 2012

A late intro


So I realise that my first four posts haven't really introduced me to the world.
By now, everyone probably thinks I'm some sappy guy. (... I might be a little.)
But there's more to me than meets the blog-reader's eye (well, "blog-reader", in terms of THIS blog, so far).
Also, I'm gonna try to use some images and stuff from now on. Blogs get sorta boring if they're just text, right?
If the layout breaks on your browser, then that's your problem.
No, I did not write that economics test yet (see my first post if you're confused about that), so yes, I'm still procrastinating. It's on Thursday, if anyone wants to know.
Sigh. I put the "pro" in procrastination.

Anywho, so I'm Yuveshan Pillay. Known to many as "Yuvi".
By other individuals, I'm called other nicknames such as "Wontes", "Spewvy", "Greeny" and "Bug" amongst many more... [cough]...
I live in South Africa. I'm 21. I'm still finishing my BCom ISTN degree (Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Information Systems and Technology) at the University of KwaZulu Natal.

I'm a fan of:
- sleeping
- eating
- comedy (internet memes being a relatively recent addition to this.)
- games (on computer, console... even board games.)
- a large variety of music and movies
- animals (I'm a dog person, yo.)
- cool technology and/or toys (LOLno. I will NOT grow up. Screw you.)
- most cartoons
- and other stuff that will probably become apparent as my blog grows

So, I guess I should say a bit about my sleeping:
I sleep for half my life. I sometimes literally sleep for more than 12 hours in a day.
Yeah, I have awesome holidays and stuff, huh?
However, despite my love for sleep, I usually stay up too late and get very little sleep. Coz I'm awesome like that.

I can't leave out a short controversial discussion about food:
So, I'd like to think that I follow two religions:
I'm a Hindu.
Tamil, to be exact.
That's my one religion. My other one is pork/bacon :x
Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let me be.

Okay, so I AM pretty immature most of the time. My sense of humour is cool like that. I also find some disturbing stuff funny. That's probably why I love comedians such as Jimmy Carr. Interestingly enough, this stuff is referred to as adult humour. Heh.
Don't get me wrong tho, I have a vast sense of humour. I laugh at plenty of things.
Like those Savanna adverts on TV. (South Africa FTW!)
Yes. YOU. The one reading this now.

I love cartoons. What better way to distract your mind from the tiring day you just had, than watching a bit of SpongeBob SquarePants?

Also, as you may have gathered if you already read post #2 on my blog, I'm quite a fan of Pokemon. I might not have followed it as thoroughly since the games moved from Gameboy Advance to Nintendo DS, but I am still fond of the concept and probably always will be.

Favourite Pokemon?
Probably Gengar. (#94)
 I'm still not sure why, though.
I had a Gengar teddy. My mother gave it away... [Sob] ...

There are a few other games, programmes and movies in that category but again, I'll mention them as I blog more.

In terms of music and movies, I'm still getting along there. I like a lot of stuff but I'm behind in a lot of stuff too. It's rather sad.
(The girl I mentioned in the previous 3 posts? She's helping me out in this category.)

Otherwise, I'd like to think I'm a nice guy. I try to help my friends out with problems. I apparently say some sweet things now and then. Yeah, I'm not all good, I screw up and stuff, but it's very rare that it's intentional.
That's when I'm the "stoopid" guy. :)

Time to go now, I think. More next time?
Cool. CoolCoolCool.

1 comment:

  1. Much as I hate to admit this - This guy's awesome.
