Saturday, 17 November 2012

Bl-Bl-Bl-Blogs... Bl-Bl-Bl-Blogs...

Hope you read the title in the tune of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.

So, I've never really been such a fan of specific blogs.
You know... like a blog solely dedicated to some topic. Even intellectual stuff has somehow become slightly boring to me after time. I think I'm just a fan of variation. I guess you're supposed to browse something else and then get back to the blog in order to break up the monotony.


Anyway, so I think I was introduced to blogging by Cavie. (See )
I enjoy his ramblings.
However, I realised that so many blogs don't capture the person I know (and am fond of).
[Waits for Cavie to jump back in horror/confusion]
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I don't like your blog. It's just that you're witty and cheerful in person and then suddenly your blog sounds like you in 50 years. I know those thoughts are part of you too, but that's not ALL you are.
I don't like how everyone's blogs have somehow become a way to express deep and emo shit.
I want more random posts and quick thoughts like I see in Adrian's ( and Sanchia's ( blogs.
Simple and yet awesome.

Anyway... just a thought.

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